Saturday, January 18, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140118, Sat

11:00 AM @ my home gym

1. Board Bench Press
Used 3 boards
86*5, 96*5, 106*3, 116*3, 120*3 (New PR), 125*1 (New PR), 130*1 (New PR)

2. Hanging KBs Bench Press
67 kg on the bar + 16 kg KB per side (99 kg total weight + the mess!!)
99*5, 99*6, 99*5, 99*3

3. EZ Bar Floor Skull Crushers
35*10, 45*9, 45*3 (my triceps just failed, but that's normal with the heavy demanding first 2 exercises)

4. Plate Front Raises
4 sets of 20*15

super set with

5. Ab Crunches
Legs over bench, 4 sets*15

Very good records on the board presses, broke my PR record 3 times, so I will go next week either with 3 boards again and increase the weight or try to achieve the same weight with only 2 boards. I'm very happy :)

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