Sunday, January 26, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140126, Sun

11:00 AM @ my home gym

1. Deadlift (double overhand)
Used normal stance and wide grip
After warm-up, 86*6, 106*6, 116*4, 138*3, 143*3
I then added a medium stretch resistance band (green) looped 2 times around the middle of the bar and tucked it under my heels
(128 + green band)*1, (133+ green band)*1 these two are new PRs

2. Stiff Legged Deadlift
101*6, 101*6, 106*6

3. EZ Bar Suitcase Deadlift
45*10 (my hamstrings failed me and i couldn't do any more deadlifts of any type)

I'm done.

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