Sunday, January 26, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140126, Sun

11:00 AM @ my home gym

1. Deadlift (double overhand)
Used normal stance and wide grip
After warm-up, 86*6, 106*6, 116*4, 138*3, 143*3
I then added a medium stretch resistance band (green) looped 2 times around the middle of the bar and tucked it under my heels
(128 + green band)*1, (133+ green band)*1 these two are new PRs

2. Stiff Legged Deadlift
101*6, 101*6, 106*6

3. EZ Bar Suitcase Deadlift
45*10 (my hamstrings failed me and i couldn't do any more deadlifts of any type)

I'm done.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140125, Sat

10:00 AM @ my home gym

1. Bent Over Rows
86*10, 96*10, 101*7, 101*6, 101*7, 101*7

Super Set with 

2. Crunches with Legs Over Bench
Holding a 16 kg KB at arms length, 6 sets*12

3. Seated Rows with Bands
Used 2 small jump stretch resistance bands (purple) and a close grip straight 2" fat bar, 5 sets*8

4. EZ Bar Biceps Curls
35*10, 45*8, 45*8, 50*6, 50*7, 54*4

5. Bent Over Rear Delts Raises
Used 16 kg KBs, 3 sets*8


Friday, January 24, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140124, Fri

9:40 AM @ my home gym

1. Board Bench Press
Used 3 boards
86*6, 100*5, 110*3, 120*3, 125*3, 130*1, 133*missed, 133*1 (New PR)

2. Close Grip Bench Press
91*8, 91*8, 91*8, 91*6

3. Plate Front Raises
20*15, 20*15, 20*15


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140121, Tue

7:45 AM @ Four Seasons Nile Plaza gym

1. Lat Pull Downs
50*10, 70*10, 80*10, 85*6, 90*4+85*3+80*1 (last set is a triple drop down set)

Super set with:

2. Ab Crunches with legs over bench
Done grabbing a 5 lbs medicine ball at arms length
5 sets*15

3. Dumbbell Biceps Curls
Used 22 Kg DBs, 2 sets*6

No time to do more, so I'm done!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140118, Sat

11:00 AM @ my home gym

1. Board Bench Press
Used 3 boards
86*5, 96*5, 106*3, 116*3, 120*3 (New PR), 125*1 (New PR), 130*1 (New PR)

2. Hanging KBs Bench Press
67 kg on the bar + 16 kg KB per side (99 kg total weight + the mess!!)
99*5, 99*6, 99*5, 99*3

3. EZ Bar Floor Skull Crushers
35*10, 45*9, 45*3 (my triceps just failed, but that's normal with the heavy demanding first 2 exercises)

4. Plate Front Raises
4 sets of 20*15

super set with

5. Ab Crunches
Legs over bench, 4 sets*15

Very good records on the board presses, broke my PR record 3 times, so I will go next week either with 3 boards again and increase the weight or try to achieve the same weight with only 2 boards. I'm very happy :)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140113, Mon

10:00 AM @ my home gym

1. Deadlift (double overhand)
After warm-up, 86*10, 106*8, 116*8
I then added a medium stretch resistance band (green) looped 2 times around the middle of the bar and tucked it under my feet and hit 3 sets*2

Very abbreviated by still very intense and super efficient!!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140112, Sun

7:50 AM @ my home gym

1. Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows
86*8, 86*8, 86*8, 86*8, 96*8, 96*8

2. EZ Bar Single Arm Bent Over Rows
44*8, 44*8

3. Rear Delts Band Pull Away
Used one monster mini jump stretch band (black)
4 sets*12, 9, 10, 8

I skipped Biceps today as my right elbow is very sore and has been aching like hell over the past couple of days!!

HULK's Training Log 20140111, Sat

11 AM @ my home gym

1. Dynamic Bench Press w Bands
46 kg on the bar + 1 jump stretch mini band per side (pink)
10 sets*3, one min rest (3 wide, 3 medium, 4 close grips)

2. Close Grip Bench Press
86*10, 86*10, 86*9, 86*8, 86*8

3. Ab Crunches w Legs over Bench
17, 15, 15, 16

4. Seated Over-Head Presses
46*6, 56*5, 56*3

5. Lateral Delt Raises
Used 10 kg DBs, 3 sets*10


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140109, Thu

7:00 AM @ my home gym

1. Dynamic Box Squats
After warm-up, 8 sets of 56*2, one minute rest.

2. Zercher Squats 
46*6, 56*6, 56*6

3. EZ Bar Suitcase Deadlift
35*10, 45*10


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140108, Wed

7:00 AM @ my home gym

1. Bent Over Rows
After warm-up, 3 sets of 67*10, 3 sets of 86*8

2. Lat Pull Downs
Used Double D 2" fat bar handle, 4 sets of 70*8

3. EZ Bar Biceps Curls
35*8, 45*8, 45*8, 45*8, 50*6

4. Band Face Pulls
Used one monster mini jump stretch band (black)
3 sets*10

5. Rear Delts Band Pull Away
Used one monster mini jump stretch band (black)
2 sets*8


HULK's Training Log 20140107, Tue

10:45 AM @ my home gym.

1. Bench Press
After warm up, working sets: 86*6, 96*6, 106*3, 111*3, 116*1, 120*miss, 120*miss
I've gone midway on both missed attempts, need to practice the upper half of the lift, and here comes the board press to mind, and the dynamic bench press with bands will help me increase the velocity in the bottom to overcome the halt point.

2. Close Grip Bench Press
86*8, 86*8, 86*8, 86*6

3. Incline Plate Triceps Extension
Used two 20 kg plates, 40*7, 40*10, 40*8

4. Standing DB Over-Head Press
Used 20 kg DBs, 4 sets of 6, 9, 8, 8

Training complete for today.

Monday, January 6, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140106, Mon

10:45 AM @ my home gym

1. Deadlift (double overhand)
86*10, 106*6, 116*6, 116*7, 116*8

2, Band Good Morning
Used Jump Stretch medium band (green)
4 sets*12

I'm done!! still cold is killing me, and this is my first lower body training in 3 months!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140105, Sun

10 AM @ my home gym

1. EZ Bar Single Arm Bent Over Rows
35*8, 44*6, 44*6, 44*6

2. Low Band Seated Rows
Used two jump stretch small bands (purple) double rapped, and a thick Double D bar.
5 sets*10

3. KB Bent Over Rear Delts Raises
16 kg KBs, 3 sets*8


Saturday, January 4, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140104, Sat

11 AM @ my home gym

1. Dynamic Bench Press w Bands
46 kg on the bar + 1 jump stretch mini band per side (pink)
10 sets*3, one min rest (3 wide, 3 medium, 4 close grips)

2. Hanging KBs Bench Press*
56 kg on the bar + 16 kg KB per side (88 kg total weight + the fuzz!!)
98*3, 4 sets of 88*6

3. Seated Over-Head Press
56*6, 61*4, 66*2, 71*1 (New PR), 76*fail, 76*fail (I was almost there but couldn't lockout!! surely next time ISA)

4. Band Push Downs
Jump Stretch Monster Mini Band (black) over the door 5 sets of 10, 8, 6, 5, 6 reps

I'm done and pretty much satisfied, with the new PR on the over-head press at 71 kg, and nearly hitting the 76 kg I'm really happy and makes me believe I will easily exceed my target of 100 % BW by end of this year :)

* Hanging KB Bench Press is one amazing movement that challenges oneself's pressing-ability and puts a lot of stress on the stabilizing muscles in the shoulder and pectoral areas, the KBs hanged from each side with a rubber resistance band shakes like crazy during the ascend and descend increasing the weight felt beyond the actual weight and strengthens the stabilizing muscles on its way.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Project HULK 2014 Targets

Aha, here comes the moments of truth, the reason behind all this blablabla thing!

And to cut it short here is my 1RM targets by end of 2014 for the following lifts:

Deadlift: 250% BW
Squat: 200% BW
Bench Press: 150 % BW
Over-Head Press: 100 % BW

And these are only the minimum requirements, it is subject to any additional gains!!

Other increase in other lifts will be measured throughout the project, but since they are not single lifts like the targeted lifts above, its 1RM will be calculated using one of the know 1RM formulas, just for my records.

Supplements Protocol

Since the start of this project, my typical supplements protocol is as follows:

Daily Stables:

1. Animal Pak (Vitamin & Minerals Stack)
1 pack daily in the morning
"Essential for providing body with all required micro-nutrients to withstand physiological and psychological demands of extended training on daily basis" (check supplement facts)

2. Biotest FLAMEOUT (Omega-3 DHA/EPA/CLA Super Complex)
4 softgels in the morning
"Keeps away muscles, joints and tendons inflammation, and essential to heart health needless to say" (check supplement facts)

3. MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane 1000 mg)
1 tablet in the morning, 1 tablet before bed
"Supports the functions of muscles and joints"

Training Supplements:

5 grams before training and 5 grams after training
"Increases maximum power during training intense training sessions, enhances muscles recovery, and increases muscle volume"

HULK's Training Log 20140102, Thu

10:30 AM @ my home gym

1. Bent Over Rows
86*6, 96*6, 96*6, 96*6, 96*6

2. EZ Bar Biceps Curls
35*8, 40*6, 40*6, 45*5, 45*6

Very poor!! well I know, but I was short on time, and feeling the flew attacking so I wasn't feeling that good.
I will try though to have some catch up in the evening for my rear delts and traps.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

HULK's Training Log 20140101, Wed

10:30 AM @ my home gym.

1. Bench Press
After warm up, working sets: 86*8, 96*6, 101*5, 101*5, 101*4

Super Set with:
2. Ab Crunches with Legs Over the Bench
6 sets of 10

3. EZ Bar Scull Crushers (on Floor)
35*8, 45*8, 45*6

4. Plate Front Raises
5 sets of 20*12

5. Incline Bench Press (30 kg Dumbbells, 30 degree inclination)
30*10, 30*8, 30*6, 30*4

I'm done!!